Monday, March 30, 2009

Scrap the CCTs

I agree that the CCTs should be scrapped. The numerous CCTs adds to students' immense stress and worries in their everyday school lives. Nowadays, students have to stay back in school for strenous co-curricular activities which stretched easily into the early evening around 7pm. Due to the tremendous expectations they have of themselves, they will make sure they are well prepared for the CCTs, causing they to have late nights studying until the eleventh hour. Writing aboutthis reminsd me of my personal experience. After coming home from school and all those packed activities, I still had to drag my fatigued body to do all the homework of that day. In addition, I had to stay up even later to study for my biology CCT. However, i fell asleep before i could even start, reulting in a low mark for my CCT and enormous frustration and deep regret. Hence, considering the welfare of the students, i agree that the CCTs should be scrapped.

1 comment:

  1. Please have a 300-500 word commentary ready by the next lesson (Wednesday). It will be used in class.

    Click here for task instructions
